Soquel, May 7 (Special to the Sentinel). - The last sad rites for Mrs. Ruth Dakin were conducted Friday afternoon from Wessendorf's mortuary with interment in Soquel Cemetery. Beautiful words of comfort were expressed by Rev. J.J. Kelly, who conducted the service.
Two songs were feelingly sung by Mrs. Willy. The room was filled with the large circle of friends in whose hearts Mrs. Dakin had held a place which can never be filled.
The pallbearers were all neighbors: N.C.Hicks, C.D. Hoover, E. Bishop, Mr. Doyle and Mr. Finnie.
Three automobile loads of beautiful flowers were brought as loving tributes to the grave, which was most fitting, as this devoted member of Mountain district had been a great flower lover and grower and had taken part in the wild flower exhibit held the day she was taken ill only a week before her death.
The whole community unites in sincerest sympathy to this stricken family.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The passing from this life of Ruth Chamblerain Dakin, wife of Henry R. Dakin of Laurel Glen Fruit Farm, is keenly felt by all and she will be greatly missed by all with whom she came in contact.The following from the pen of one of Mr. Dakin's cousin's, Mrs. Finette L. Shafter of this city, speaks for all: Ruth thoroughly deserved the old-fashioned name of 'gentlewoman.' Although remarkably patient and self-sacrificing, she had plenty of the firmness and shrewd good
judgment In fact, Robert Louis Stevenson aptly described her type as possessing 'a large amount of available common sense.'Mrs. Dakin, who passed away last week at the family home after a short illness with pneumonia, was married to Henry R. Dakin, son of a pioneer family, about 12 years ago. She was a native of Santa Cruz county, having been born on the Adams ranch at Skyland. She had been a leader in all good work in the several communities in which she lived.Besides her sorrowing husband and two children, Ruth Elizabeth, 8 years, and Alice Irene, 4 years, the following relatives survive: mother Mrs. Edna Chamberlain of Sunol: sisters, Mrs. M.F. Sharp of Watsonville; Miss Edith Chamberalin, alameda; Mrs. Alger B. Scott, McKittrick; Elisabeth Dean Chamberlain, Sunol; and Mrs. John Trimingham, and brother C.D. Chamberlain of Sacramento. A brother, T.R. Chamberlain, a sargeant, was killed in an airplane accident in France during the world war.The relatives were all here for the funeral services on Friday at the Wessendorf moruary (sic), as were cousins from Los Gatos and Saratoga and friends from Danville and Oakland. Among the relatives of Mr. Dakin able to be present at the funeral services were two cousins, Alec Locke of Scotts Valley, and Mrs. Finette Shafter of Seabright.One of Mrs. Dakin's sisters, Miss Elizabeth Chamberlain, lived with Mrs. Dakin for some time and attended the local high school.________________
Friday, January 22, 2010
Mrs. Ruth Chamberlain Dakin passed away at her home in Santa Cruz May 3. She is survived by the widower, H.H. Dakin, and two children, aged 4 and 8 years.
Mrs. Dakin, nee Ruth Chamberlain, worker in the Woodland post office for some time under Postmaster E.I Leake. she was residing at the time with her parents near the old Farrish home. Her father passed away in Woodland in 1919. Her brother, C. Drummond Chamberlain, conducted a bicycle
shop at 414 Main Street, Woodland. Another brother, Thurston Royal, was killed in France in the world war.The mother, Mrs. Edna Chamberlain, has been residing in Sunol, Alameda County, for the past five years, caring for her own mother, who has been bed-fast and entirely helpless for more than three years of that time. Mrs. Chamberlain's youngest daughter, Beth, lives with her and attends the Pleasanton High school. Another sister to the deceased, Mrs. John Trimingham, also lives in Sunol. All of the brothers and sisters were present for the funeral. Those not already mentioned are, Edith M. Chamberlain, Alameda; Mrs. A.B. Scott, McKittrick; Mrs. M.W. Sharp, Watsonville; C. Drummond Chamberlain, Orland.
The saddest part is the bereaved home of Mrs. Dakin. Mr. Dakin is of a very old pioneer family. Their home is situated in one of the most picturesque and impressive spots in the Santa Cruz mountains. 'Tis desolate now for the guiding star has gone out. The after faces with broken heart the task of rearing his two girls, four and eight years of age.
One of the most touching tributes was the floral piece made by Mr. Dakin himself, to be placed at the head of the grave. The offering was in the shape of a heart, with a solid white background, in the center of which reposed two scarlet rosebuds in all the magnificence of their young beauty, symbolizing the two children. This simple card attached indicated the bonds of affection which bound father and mother:
From the garden, tended by Ruth and
HenryIn which also bloomed love and accord
The following tribute was taken from the Santa Cruz Sentinel of May 6:
Mrs. Henry Dakin, who has passed away, was one of the finest and most valuable women in the county. Her loss is not only a great one to her family and the Mountain farm center, but to the county as a whole. Mrs. Dakin was an unusually intelligent mother. Although her own health had always been poor, she gave such thought and care to her two children that they rank among the best specimens of childhood in the county. Mrs. Dakin was a tireless worker in her community. The school children will miss her, as she had charged of the music in the school and was loved by every one of the boys and girls. As a member of the home department of the farm center, the county Farm Bureau must share her loss with the Mountain Farm Center. As a project leader in nutrition and as a mother, Mrs. Dakin was a help and an inspiration to all the
women who knew her. She was a woman greatly beloved and her passing is a keen sorrow in many hearts.Anne M'Cormick,
Home Demonstration Agent
Friday, January 15, 2010
Tragedy Strikes Laurel Glen

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Ruth Dakin: Home economist, consutant

Ruth was invited across the mountain to San Jose to be interviewed on KCBS radio. The topic was her passion: nutrition and growing children. On the other hand, Henry's response to Ruth's concern that the children have well constructed shoes was less enthusiastic. It ran something along the lines of: "I don't know why you make such a big fuse about shoes, my father made our shoes and they were just fine."
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Henry & Ruth, Community Leaders

Ruth & Ruthalee as marked at the top of the picture
Ruth was also very involved with the, then, Skyland Presbyterian Church. She participated in the community theater that put on plays at the church as well as working with children at the Mountain School. She was a constant resource for the Mountain Center of the Farm Bureau for childrearing in general and nutrition in particular.
Henry continued his leadership in horticulture, botany and grafting in particular through the Farm Bureau.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Henry, Ruth Dakin & Familiy
Ruth and Ruthalee (1920)
In any case, her love and dedication to her daughters, Ruthalee and Alice, was evident in many ways to those around her.

